High School Counselor Resources
Career Counseling
Visit our Career Exploration and Post-Secondary Planning Page for more resources
The Princeton Review - Career Quiz - Enables you to create a profile of your career styles and interests
Planning a Career: A Guided Tour - Discusses steps involved in career exploration process, from developing a career plan to job-hunting on the Internet.
Learn How to Become - Provides detailed insight into 45 of today's most popular career fields, including accounting, engineering, medical assisting, nursing, firefighting, financial advising and teaching.
Rutgers University Online Career Planning - A simple interest assessment exercise that may help you learn more about your preferences.
Missouri Guidance eLearning Center - Career resources
My Next Move - for direct use with students.
O*Net Online - Career searches and information, as well as inventories using Holland Codes.
FWISD College and Career Readiness - YouTube video from the Fort Worth Independent School District
ASCA Position Statement: The School Counselor and Transgender and Nonbinary Youth
Intersectionality - What is it, and why is it important? This article answers those questions to support lessons on that topic.
New Resource on Supporting Transgender Students - from the National Association of Elementary School Principals
Welcoming Schools - The mission of the organization is to create safe and welcoming schools for all children and families. There are many free resources, and they offer speakers to deliver professional development to improve school climate.
Genders & Sexualities Alliance (GSA) - information about how you can create or support the student-run club in your school
Transgender Etiquette - a succinct, downloadable handout
Trans Ally Materials - from the Straight for Equality organization
Gender Pronouns - A How To Guide and FAQs
Pronouns: A Resource - from GLSEN
Gender Dysphoria - information from the American Psychiatric Association
Being Transgender is Not a Mental Illness, World Health Organization Says - Article/video from Newsweek
Interviews with Non-Binary Students - video from CBS News
College Planning
College For You NJ - The NJDOE’s microsite to help students, families and educators with the college exploration journey here in the state of New Jersey.
The Common Black Application - Students pay one $20 application fee to apply to any/all 66 HBCU member institutions.
🔥 Senior College Seminar: A FREE College Counseling Curriculum
Ask the College Experts YouTube Video Series - “Small bites of information will be a helpful starting point for you, your students, and your families as the college search process is navigated.”
The College Admissions Knowledge Evaluation (CAKE) is an interactive quiz assessing the knowledge students and families need to make informed college decisions.
Shelly Kraus' Wiki contains extensive information about upcoming tours and tour contacts.National College Access Network - Downloadable resources categorized by grade level, 9-12
KnowHow2Go - The four steps to get to college
Educational Credit Management Corporation College Planning Guide - Downloadable workbook to help students through the college process
College Material Request Center - Due to popular demand on the NACAC listserv, Cappex has offered to manage a central clearinghouse for counselors requesting materials from colleges. Cappex will send the names of counselors to any college that requests them. School Counselors can request pennants, posters, pencils, pens, printed materials for dissemination to students and parents and school visits from college representatives in the area.
Link for Counselors - organization whose mission is to provide information that keeps High School Counselors informed. All provided handouts and resources are free.
College Admission: A Complete Guide to Social Media from Kaplan Test Prep
Financial Aid
New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority (HESAA)
The Ultimate Guide to Financial Aid and FAFSA for College Students from Study.com
The New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) provides financial assistance and support services (e.g. counseling, tutoring, and developmental course work) to students from educationally and economically disadvantaged backgrounds who attend participating institutions of higher education in the State of New Jersey. Click here to learn more.
NASFAA - National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators provides Resources for Counselors and advice on preparing their own Financial Aid Night.
Project on Student Debt: What's the Bottom Line? - The Project on Student Debt is an initiative of the Institute for College Access & Success, a nonprofit independent research and policy organization dedicated to making college more available and affordable to people of all backgrounds.
Financial Aid Guide - Official government guide to financial aid.
Federal Student Financial Assistance - Variety of financial aid resources and information for students.
Fin Aid! - A comprehensive guide to a wide variety of Financial Aid information.
The New Jersey Student Assistance Rewards Scholarship - (NJ STARS) is the first state sponsored scholarship program in the nation that is specifically designed for community college students. NJ STARS covers the cost of tuition and approved fees at New Jersey's 19 community colleges.
Common Black College Application: How to Apply to 53 HBCUs for $35
NJHESAA - Grants & Scholarships
UNCF Scholarships - for Minority Students
Black Excel Scholarships - for African American Students
Fastweb! - Scholarship, college, and financial aid searches
The College Search
College Board's College Guidance resources and links - Excellent articles covering topics like,"The Counseling Profession, Facilitating the Application Process, access to Opportunity and Preparing Students for College."
The Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success - The Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success was developed to improve the college application process for all students as they search for and apply to their perfect college. The platform provides a single, centralized toolkit for students to organize, build, and refine their applications to numerous institutions.
The New Jersey Association of State Colleges and Universities - NJASCU based in Trenton, is a nonprofit higher education association serving New Jersey's nine public state colleges and universities.
Colleges Accepting Self-Reported Test Scores - Compiled by a School Counselor during the summer of 2018
For Students with Learning Differences
Colleges with Programs for Students with Learning Disabilities
Fairleigh Dickinson Regional Center for College Students with Learning Disabilities
Think College - College options for people with intellectual disability
Gap Year Information
Americorps - Corporation for National and Community Service
Center for Interim Programs - Gap Year consultant service
Gap Advice - Guidance and advice for those considering a Gap Year
Benefits of a Gap Year (Free downloadable guide)
If you are considering a gap year (a year of exploring interests before or during college) for your students, here are compelling reasons to pursue this great option.
Taking a Gap Year - from the National Association for College Admissions Counseling
College Admission: A Complete Guide to Social Media from Kaplan Test Prep
Looking for some FREE Digital Citizenship & Cybersecurity curriculum? Check out CYBER A.C.E.S. from Palo Alto Networks. Differentiated by age & by topic!
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